How do I add age restrictions to my Page?
You can use age restrictions to limit the audience of your Page. For example, if the topic of your Page includes alcohol or adult products, you may consider using age restrictions.
To add age restrictions to your Page, you'll need to be an admin. If you're an admin:
- Click Settings at the top of your Page
- Click Age Restrictions
- Select the age group that should see your Page
- Click Save Changes
When you add age restrictions, only people who meet the minimum age will see your Page. Any people who like your Page who are younger than the selected minimum age will be deleted. You can update your Page's age restrictions at any time, but people who were removed won't be added back unless they like your Page again.
How do I control who can see my Page's posts?
There are 2 ways to control who can see your Page's posts:
Limit your post's audience so only certain people can see it
Target your post to certain audiences in News Feed
To limit or target your posts, first make sure you've allowed targeting and privacy options for your Page posts:
- Click Settings at the top of your Page
- Click News Feed Audience and Visibility for Posts
- Click to check the box next to Allow News Feed audience selection and post visibility options for this Page
- Click Save Changes
Limit Your Post's Audience
When you limit your post's audience, you can choose who can see your post based on their location or language. For example, if you limit the language of your post's audience to Spanish, only people who have Spanish set as their language on Facebook or list Spanish as one of their languages on their profile will be eligible to see your post on your Page, in News Feed and in search.
To limit your post's audience:
- Click
before publishing your post
- Select Location / Language
- Type the locations or languages of the people you want to see your post and click Save Post Settings
Keep in mind that even if people share your Page's post with their friends, only friends in the audience you choose for the post will be able to see it.
Target Your Post
You can add targeting to your Page post so that certain audiences are more likely to see it in News Feed. Unlike limiting your post's audience, adding News Feed targeting doesn't affect who can see the post on your Page.
To add targeting:
- Click
before publishing your post
- Click Narrow Audience and select one or more options
- Click the options on the right to adjust the targeting
As you add targeting, the number of people your post is targeted to will update next to Potential Audience. The minimum number of people you can target your post to is 20.
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