Meant to Beh is an upcoming 2017 Philippine family comedy film film directed by Chris Martinez and starred by Vic Sotto and Dawn Zulueta. It will be distributed and produced by OctoArts Films, M-Zet Productions and APT Entertainment and will serve as an official entry to the 2017 Metro Manila Film Festival. We will post the official movie trailer on this page once it becomes available online. The upcoming movie also marks the reunion of Zulueta and Sotto after 30 years of working together in the fantasy series Okay Ka, Fairy Ko! way back in 1987. Baby Baste on his official facebook page posted: "Grateful and blessed to be part of this movie. Thank You Lord!!!!! Yesterday's story conference of the official entry to the #MMFF2017 "Meant to Beh" with the casts, producers and directors... thank You Lord sa imung birthday gift."
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