The full list and location of TESDA Training Center all over the Philippines are available on Google Maps. Whenever and wherever you access Google Maps, just type TESDA Training Center and all the accredited TESDA Training centers near your location will appear on the left side of the screen including the address and also shown in Google Map the exact location and how to go there. TESDA Online Program (TOP) is a web-based platform that offers free Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for the technical education and skills development of the Filipino workers. Through the use of information and communication technologies, the TOP provides an effective and efficient way to deliver technical-vocational education and training at the learner’s own space and time. How to Enroll in a Course Online: Before you can enroll in a course, make sure that you had created an account in our TOP website. Login to the TOP website using your registered username and password. Once logged in, you will be take...
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