Iris is an upcoming Korean Drama on GMA 7. Kim Hyun Joon is an assassin who belongs to a top secret organization known as the “NSS” whereas T.O.P is an assassin who works in another secret organization located in the United States called “IRIS” and was ordered to kill Hyun Joon. Seung Hee is a psychological analyst who plays an important role in bring Hyun Joon into the “NSS.” Jin Sa Woo is Hyun Joon’s colleague and falls in love with Seung Hee as well but keeps this to himself.
Lee Byung Hun as Kim Hyun Joon
Kim Tae Hee as Choi Seung Hee
Jung Joon Ho as Jin Sa Woo
Kim Seung Woo as Park Chul Young
Kim So Yun as Kim Sun Hwa
T.O.P as Vick
Hyun Jyu Ni as Yang Mi Jung
Yoo Min as Sato Eriko
Kim Young Chul as Baek San
Yoon Je Moon as Park Sang Hyung
Yoon Joo Sang as Oh Hyun Kyu
Lee Jung Gil as Jo Myung Ho
Jung Han Yong as Jung Hyung Joon
Na Yoon as Hwang Tae Sung
Kim Hye Jin as Yang Jung In
Myung Ji Yun as Hong Soo Jin
Miyama Karen as Yuki
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