Surprise! Here is your first peek at Candy's March issue—the Future You issue. The gorgeous Taylor Swift is on the cover. It will be available on stands this week. We hope you can grab a copy.
Candy girls, do you have Candy Magazine's March issue—the Future You issue—yet? Get a copy at a bookstore near you soon; it's the one with the gorgeous Taylor Swift on the cover!
You may feel like you need to eat in certain situations. Sometimes you really do need to eat, especially if you've skipped a meal or your lunch is an hour delayed. And that's because you're hungry! But there are times that you just think you need to eat. And going by that thought can make you wolf down so much food and overload on the calories. If you want to curb your craving, we got tips for you.
You may feel like you need to eat in certain situations. Sometimes you really do need to eat, especially if you've...
Posted by Candy Magazine on Saturday, 12 March 2016
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