Watch Heart Evangelista and Chris Tiu do the Gwiyomi with Moymoy Palaboy! Watch 'WattaJob' host, Chris Tiua and Heart Evangelista's version of Gwiyomi together with the funny duo of Bubble Gang's Moymoy Palaboy.
The Gwiyomi song, or Kiyomi song is a K-pop single by South Korean singer Hari and was released on February 18, 2013. It was inspired by a gesture from K-pop idol rapper Jung Il Hoon called Gwiyomi Player, which became an Internet meme in October 2012 following its appearance on the variety show, BToB MTV DiaryMany.
The Gwiyomi song, or Kiyomi song is a K-pop single by South Korean singer Hari and was released on February 18, 2013. It was inspired by a gesture from K-pop idol rapper Jung Il Hoon called Gwiyomi Player, which became an Internet meme in October 2012 following its appearance on the variety show, BToB MTV DiaryMany.
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